Introduction to Tripraśna Concepts in Indian Siddhāntic Tradition of Astronomy


  • M. S. Sriram Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, University of Madras, Chennai, TN, IND. Author
  • G. Rajarajeswari Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, University of Madras, Chennai, TN, IND. Author



Spherical Trigonometry, Allied Science in Sanskrit, Jyotiṣa, Tripraśna, Time, Place, Direction


The two branches of science – Mathematics and Astronomy have been given supreme importance in India since Vedic times. Jyotiṣa, is one of the six auxiliaries of Vedic knowledge. Jyotiṣa, is a practical science which was blended with the life of humans and it plays a vital role right from his day-to-day activities. Computation of the positions of planets is a well-known aspect of the Indian siddhāntic tradition beginning with Āryabhaṭīya (C. 499 CE). In all Indian astronomical texts, “the subject of finding the directions, place and time occupies an important place. These three important issues (Tripraśna), viz., direction, place and time (dik, deśa, kāla), are discussed in the chapter Tripraśnādhyāya in the siddhāntas. The important features of the Ecliptic, the celestial equator, the node, the shape of the Earth, the cause of day and night, the rising of the zodiac signs, etc., are discussed in this chapter.” As celestial objects are seen as moving on the surface of a sphere surrounding the observer, the tripraśna problems involve the use of spherical trigonometry. This paper will briefly account for a few concepts dealt with in the Tripraśnādhyāya.


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How to Cite

Sriram, M. S., & Rajarajeswari, G. (2024). Introduction to Tripraśna Concepts in Indian Siddhāntic Tradition of Astronomy. Quing: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering, 1(4), 77-80.
